Meet Rudy

His scarecrow twin

Rudolph (Rudy) Alexander Loosa was born in June of 1957. The third of nine children, Rudy grew up in Chicago, playing ball in the streets. 

Rudy was an ordinary man who lived an ordinary life and worked at ordinary jobs. He and his wife were married for nearly 38 years and had four children. He delivered newspapers as a boy, managed a bakery kitchen and delivered mail.

Most importantly, Rudy loved Jesus. This love for Jesus is what made his marriage strong and made him a good father. It is what made his smile so big, and his laugh so loud. It is what made him stop to talk even though his route was long, and stopping slowed him down. It is why Rudy learned the names of the people on his mail route, and why he prayed for them as he walked. 

Rudy was an ordinary man who had an extraordinary relationship with Jesus. On January 14, 2017, Rudy passed away in his mail truck. While he is greatly missed by all who knew him, they try to live by the example he set. May this book encourage you to fully engage wherever you are, deeply love those around you, and seek to know Jesus—as Rudy did.

“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35

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